
About “The Wide Spectrum” MnemonicWhat Does it stand for?

It was developed to give a capsule overview of the content of the course ‘Communication and caregiving in dementia: a positive vision’ course.

It is one way of describing the elements that an optimal vision for good, sustainable dementia care needs to encompass.


Gemma MM Jones (neé: van Amelsvoort)Background:

Gemma MM Jones, HBSc, BSN, RN, CVT, PhD, has a background in biology, gerontology, and nursing; her doctorate was about the neuro-psychology of Alzheimer’s disease.  She is an internationally known dementia-care educator, writer, speaker, a dementia-care and dementia-care environment consultant, and the Director of The Wide Spectrum – which develops and promotes dementia education resources.  In 2000, she co-founded the Alzheimer Café UK, (CIO, no. 1165335), and is its current chair; AlzheimerCafe.co.uk.

She was a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics workgroup (2008 Report: ‘Dementia: ethical issues’).

See the various tabs above for information about her courses, articles, videos, and books – including: ‘The Alzheimer Café: why it works’, ‘The TAD (thoughts about dementia) Newsletters; the first fifty’, and, ‘About dementia: for families with children’.  Her most recent course is for hospital staff (2021), ‘Caring for people with dementia in hospital’.

HBSc Biology: honours year cell biology, secondary concentration in gerontology, UWO, London, Canada

BSN Nursing: UBC, Vancouver, Canada

RN 1985: Province of BC, Canada

PhD Psychology: Neuropsychopharmacology of Alzheimer’s Disease, University of London, Institute of Psychiatry

To see Dr. Jones’ full biography, click here.